All prices are listed here in both Canadian and US Dollars
(US prices are approximate exchanges in brackets)
Best selling titles are listed in yellow
Other available titles are listed in white Releases
which are currently unavailable are listed in grey
E- O Show Schematics, The ...............(I)............... Chippawa Low-Fi CD 00001 22.99 (16.00 US)
E>H<B Life By The Drop E>H<B RDRCD-5713 8.99 ( 6.00 US)
Eagle & Hawk Mother Earth Arbor P2 51216 16.99 (11.00 US)
Eagle Feather Message From A Drum Tidemark 02 50780 22.99 (16.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred J F. J. Elgersma Sweetwater FSE 001 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred J the boy that just went wrong. New Woodshed NWR 002 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred J Indiana Road Sweetwater FSE 003 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred J There Ain't No Easy Road (2CDs) Sweetwater FSE 004 29.99 (20.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred J from the paradise motel Barbed Wire BWR 2001 Deleted
Eaglesmith, Fred J Things is Changin’ Sweetwater FSE006 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred drive-in movie Vertical VER 4218-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred Lipstick Lies & Gasoline Razor & Tie RT 2831-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred 50-Odd Dollars Razor & Tie 79231 82143 17.99 (14.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred Ralph's Last Show (2CDs) A Major Label LJ21|LJ22 23.99 (16.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred Falling Stars and Broken Hearts Sweetwater FSE008 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred balin A Major Label LJ23 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred J Official Bootleg Series Volume 1 (2CDs) A Major Label FSEBOOT1/2 30.99 (22.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred The Gift (VHS) Cracker Cracker-1 Deleted
Eaglesmith, Fred J Dusty A Major Label FSE009 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred J Official Bootleg Series Volume 2 (2CDs) A Major Label FSEBOOT3/4 30.99 (22.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred The Small Beers Tour (DVD) Sonic Rendezvous SRV 025 25.99 (18.00 US)
Eaglesmith, Fred J Milly's Cafe A Major Label FSE010 17.99 (12.00 US)
earrl earrl planet earrl pep001 22.99 (16.00 US)
earrl the first six divided planet earrl pep002 22.99 (16.00 US)
earrl wicked still planet earrl pep 003 8.99 ( 6.00 US)
Ear Contact (George Mcfetridge) January Sun Trio TCP 202 18.99 (13.00 US)
Earth Baby World Class Hammerhead HDR-CD-101 24.99 (17.00 US)
earthmen eargasm Planet CD00001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Earthnoise Algonquin Earthnoise EN 1001 19.99 (14.00 US)
Earthnoise Tikal Earthnoise EN 2102 19.99 (14.00 US)
Earthnoise Garifuna Earthnoise EN 2103 19.99 (14.00 US)
Earthquake Earthquake Not Available
Earthquake Pills Autodidactophone Sloth SLO014 19.99 (14.00 US)
EarthTones To Be Continued... EarthTones EARTH 0945 17.99 (12.00 US)
Easily Amused. Novice Independent KR 01 Deleted
Easily Amused. Simple Stuff Universal 25989 41642 2 19.99 (14.00 US)
East of 9 Love & Lust Silver Moon SMEI 0001 22.99 (16.00 US)
East Coast Disaster Complex These Children Have Nothing But Hope no/Coqi COQ006 16.99 (12.00 US)
Eastern Eagle Singers Traditionally Yours SOAR SOAR 178 19.99 (14.00 US)
Eastman, Eddie Eddie Eastman Columbia Not Available
Eastman, Eddie Eddie Eastman Artisan Not Available
Eastman, Eddie Easy Bel Air Not Available
Eastman, Eddie The Winning Side Diamond Not Available
Eastman, Eddie Living in the Fast Lane Bookshop Not Available
Eastman, Eddie Trying to Make a Living Bookshop Not Available
Eastmure, Peter The Smallest Voice pye PYECD001 22.99 (16.00 US)
easy access easy access Easy Access EAR-001 Deleted
easy access the children of the happy parents Easy Access EAR-002 22.99 (16.00 US)
Eaton Ensemble, William Where Rivers Meet First Nations 10027-2-9 24.99 (17.00 US)
echelon all good things... echelon ECHCD 40601 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Ecclestone, Colleen In Essence Grand Union GDCE001 19.99 (14.00 US)
ecclestons, the imbolc to beltane Pacific PM 10302 15.99 (11.00 US)
econoline crush purge EMI Canada E2 28989 20.99 (14.00 US)
econoline crush affliction EMI Canada E2 32072 20.99 (14.00 US)
econoline crush TheDevilYouKnow EMI Canada E2 38777 20.99 (14.00 US)
econoline crush All That You Are CDEP EMI Canada E21A 84913 Deleted
econoline Crush Brand New History EMI Canada MRCD 0077 18.99 (13.00 US)
Ed & Jolene Glimpse Of Heaven Oak Cassette Only Deleted
Eddie & The Hot Rods Eddie & The Hot Rods Not Available
Eddy, Danette Motion Potion Tidemark 02 50772 18.99 (13.00 US)
Eddy, Danette Traces Danette Eddy / Festival 02 02090 18.99 (13.00 US)
Eddy, Terri-Lynn Dreams Tidemark 02 50829 18.99 (13.00 US)
Eden Eden Total Not Available
Edgar, Marc C'est l'borde! Anarchichyk AKCD 1301 22.99 (16.00 US)
Edge, Gerry Gerry Edge KEE KEE 945201CD 22.99 (16.00 US)
Edie The Egg Lady With The Viletones Edie, Queen Of Punks Other People's P232 52117 Deleted
Edison Woods Edison Woods Endearing NDR031 16.99 (12.00 US)
Edmunds, Geoff Geoff Edmunds Not Available
Edmunds, Geoff Geoff Edmunds Not Available
Edmunds, Geoff Compilation Of His 2 Albums Pacemaker TBA TBA
Edward Bear Bearings Capitol Not Available
Edward Bear Eclipse Capitol S21 52777 20.99 (14.00 US)
Edward Bear Edward Bear Capitol S21 52998 10.99 ( 8.00 US)
Edward Bear Close Your Eyes Capitol Not Available
Edward Bear The Best Of The Bear (1969-1984) Capitol Not Available
Edward Bear The Edward Bear Collection Capitol C21Y-26585 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Edward, Harding & George Half & Half Celebration Not Available
Edwards, Bobby Fat City Suite In E Major CBC Canadian Talent Library Not Available
Edwards, Bobby Guitarisma Not Available
Edwards, Carolina Nova Scotia Not Available
Edwards, Jean Song Spectrum indie pool LP Only Not Available
Edwards, Jean Do You Remember indie pool CANTO00397 24.99 (18.00 US)
Edwards, Kathleen Failer MapleMusic MRCD-6377 16.99 (12.00 US)
Edwards, Kathleen Back To Me MapleMusic MRCD 6440 16.99 (12.00 US)
edwin (of I Mother Earth) Another Spin Around The Sun epic ET 80392 15.99 (11.00 US)
edwin & the pressure edwin & the pressure Columbia CK 80753 Deleted
Egan, Bob The Promise Festival / Bob Egan GAR 2022 18.99 (13.00 US)
Egan, Coral My Favorite Distraction Fusion3 New Release 17.99 (12.00 US)
EGG Don't Postpone Joy Mutek MTKFAB01 19.99 (14.00 US)
Egolillys pithy whimseys WPEL96-001CD 22.99 (16.00 US)
Eidolon Eidolon Deleted
Eidolon Zero Hour Metal Blade 39841 36777 22.99 (16.00 US)
Eidolon Seven Spirits Metal Blade 39841 37777 22.99 (16.00 US)
Eidolon Nightmare World Metal Blade 39841 38777 19.99 (14.00 US)
Eidolon Coma Nation Skyscraper SM005 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eidolon Apostles Of Defiance Skyscraper SM008 17.99 (12.00 US)
Eight Eight Eight Cassette Only 3.99 ( 2.50 US)
Eight Seconds Ottava Rima Apprentice Not Available
Eight Seconds Big Houses Apprentice/Atco CD 91417 Deleted
Eight Seconds Almacantar Polydor 831 119-2 Deleted
83 Hip Hop 101 Select APCD 1454 19.99 (14.00 US)
Eika, Peter Party of One MapleMusic MRCD0777 16.99 (12.00 US)
Eikhard, June The Best Darn Fiddling In The World Banff Cassette Only Deleted
Eikhard, Shirley Shirley Eikhard Capitol Not Available
Eikhard, Shirley Children Of The Present Attic ATM-1007 13.99 (10.00 US)
Eikhard, Shirley Let Me Down Easy Attic ATM-1021 13.99 (10.00 US)
Eikhard, Shirley Horizons Attic ATM-1032 13.99 (10.00 US)
Eikhard, Shirley Greatest Hits Capitol Not Available
Eikhard, Shirley Taking Charge Eika Not Available
Eikhard, Shirley The Jazz Sessions Eika SEM 1196 Deleted
Eikhard, Shirley If I Had My Way Denon Canada CAN 9023 Deleted
Eikhard, Shirley Going Home artisan E2 57890 Deleted
Eikhard, Shirley the last hurrah Eika SEM 1199 Deleted
Eikhard, Shirley end of the day Eika SEM 2001 Deleted
Eikhard, Shirley stay open Eika SEM 2003 Deleted
Eikhard, Shirley Country All Species ASMCOU2005 18.99 (13.00 US)
Eikhard, Shirley Pop All Species ASMPOP2005 18.99 (13.00 US)
Eilon, Rafi The Waiting indie pool 007 18.99 (13.00 US)
Eiselman, Mark The Chant Unity UTY 163 Deleted
Eiselman, Mark Sweet & Lovely Cornerstone CRST 125 17.99 (12.00 US)
El Camino Reverb Explosion Del-Fi DELFI 7777 24.99 (17.00 US)
El Divino The Diviners indie pool DCD101 19.99 (14.00 US)
El Guapo El Guapo Dischord DRCD-007 22.99 (16.00 US)
Elder, Lin One beautiful wife Big Hip 314 540 860-2 Deleted
Electric Humans Guild, The The Electric Humans Guild Robosapien BOT01 16.99 (12.00 US)
Electroshine. Electroshine. Electroshine. Electroshine. 22.99 (16.00 US)
Electrosonics Electrosonics Drive-In DRIVE019 14.99 (10.00 US)
Electrosonics Rampion Drive-In DRIVE007 14.99 (10.00 US)
elektra women's choir Legacy Can. Music Ctr. CMCCD 6800 18.99 (13.00 US)
Elektradrive Elektradrive Long Island LIRC 00077 Deleted
Elevator Through Music From Motion Picture "the such" Murder MUSND 038 15.99 (11.00 US)
Elevator To Hell Vague Premonition Sonic Unyon LP Only 19.99 (14.00 US)
Elevator To Hell "Parts 1-3" Sub Pop SPCD 305 19.99 (14.00 US)
Elevator To Hell Eerieconsiliation Sub Pop SPCD 399 19.99 (14.00 US)
Elevator A Taste Of Complete Perspective teenage USA TEEN3023-2 16.99 (12.00 US)
Elevator Darkness -> Light Blue Fog VOID-001 16.99 (12.00 US)
Elevator August Blue Fog VOID004-2 16.99 (12.00 US)
Eleven Minutes Away arson followed me home Deep Elm DER436 18.99 (13.00 US)
Elfin Parade, The Santa's Party indie pool 305190 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Elissa Mamboleo EP EMI Canada P21Q 83322-2 8.99 ( 6.00 US)
Elites, The Uptown Blues indie pool 20771D 23.99 (17.00 US)
Eliya The Language Of Peace Bennu CD TAO 001 24.99 (18.00 US)
ella hérétique 3D/dep DDM2-1143 Deleted
ella mon or Select LACHAPCD918 20.99 (14.00 US)
Ella Says My Everything & Where It Went indie pool CRV103 19.99 (14.00 US)
Elle Nympholepsy indie pool ESL801 21.99 (15.00 US)
Elliott, Carl Down Home Fiddlin' Oak Cassette Only 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Elliott, Carl More Fiddle Favourites Condor Cassette Only 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Elliott, Carl Red Hot Fiddle Holborne Cassette Only 9.99 ( 7.00 US)
Elliott, Kirk Celtic Moon Soundwright KECMSW93-2 Deleted
Elliott, Kirk The Heavenly Banquet Soundwright KECMSW02-2 Deleted
Elliott, Kirk Moonlight On Water Soundwright KECMSW03-2 Deleted
Elliott, Kirk No Fixed Address Soundwright KECMSW04-2 Deleted
Elliott, Lorne The Collected Mistakes Lorne Elliott Not Available
Elliott, Lorne The Collected Mistakes II Turtle Pond LE-CM-11-2 18.99 (13.00 US)
Elliott, Lorne More Lorne Elliott (Than You... Need In Your Life) Turtle Ponde MMM2205 18.99 (13.00 US)
Elliott, Lorne More Than You Probably Need In Your Life Monster MMM 2205 18.99 (13.00 US)
Elliott, Lorne Selections From All Directions Turtle Pond MMMM 450 18.99 (13.00 US)
Elliott, Lorne Selections From All Directions Volume 2 Turtle Pond MMMM 2135 18.99 (13.00 US)
Ellis, Corey last great alibi IronMusic 77876 51016 2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Ellis, Tyler Straid Hill Northern Bliss NBM794-2 24.99 (17.00 US)
Ellis, Tyler Horseshoes & Handgrenades Northern Bliss NBM 2001 24.99 (17.00 US)
Ellison Ellison Supreme GF144 24.99 (17.00 US)
Ellwood, William Natural Selections MCA NSD 61049 19.99 (14.00 US)
Elmer, Briand Cape Breton Fiddle Holborne Cassette Only 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Elmer Iseler Singers, The Spirituals Marquis P2 81115 20.99 (14.00 US)
Elmer Iseler Singers, The Noël Early Canadian Christmas Music Marquis P2 81227 20.99 (14.00 US)
Elmes, Barry East and West Cornerstone CRST 102 17.99 (12.00 US)
Elmes, Barry Climbing Utility UTL 122 22.99 (16.00 US)
Elmes, Barry Different Voices (2CD) Cornerstone CRST 107 29.99 (19.00 US)
Elmes Quintet, Barry The Five Minute Warning Cornerstone CRSTCD 115 17.99 (12.00 US)
Elsa Douce Violence Quebec 74321-11155-2 Deleted
Elsa Rien Que Pour Ca Quebec BMGQCDD 806 Deleted
elycium sink Spark ely0002 8.99 ( 6.00 US)
Elyra Land Of Ever Rainshine ELYRA 01 22.99 (16.00 US)
Elysian Dream Celtic Collision MCA KECD 001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Elysian Dream 10th Anniversary Elysian Dream ED8797 22.99 (16.00 US)
Elysian Fields Sativa Chacra CHACD 027 Deleted
Elysian Fields Elysian Fields Radioactive RARDM-11402 Deleted
Elysian Fields Bleed Your Cedar Radioactive RARSD-11505 19.99 (14.00 US)
Elysian Fields Queen Of The Meadow Jetset JTSTD-11577 22.99 (16.00 US)
Elysium Glisten indie pool DEW004 25.99 (19.00 US)
Em ElectroMagic Plan Eleven P11CD06 24.99 (18.00 US)
Emans, Mike Purely Physical Justin JUST-CD 7 Deleted
Embury, Larry Best Loved Christmas Carols Master Not Available
Emerson Drive Emerson Drive Universal 0044502722 19.99 (14.00 US)
Emery, Lester Pale Rider VMP VMP EL 200 29.99 (19.00 US)
Emigré Emigré Attic ACD 1066 30.99 (22.00 US)
Emissary (featuring Beverly Klaas) Scarlet Skies Not Available
Emmett, Rik (Triumph) Absolutely Duke Street DSMD-31068 9.99 ( 7.00 US)
Emmett, Rik (Triumph) Ipso Facto Alert 82002 9.99 ( 7.00 US)
Emmett, Rik (Triumph) The Spiral Notebook Duke Street DSRSD 31096 9.99 ( 7.00 US)
Emmett, Rik (Triumph) Ten Invitations from the Mistress of Mr. E . OHC OHC174 16.99 (12.00 US)
Emmett, Rik (Triumph) Swing Shift artisan P2 97610 16.99 (12.00 US)
Emmett, Rik (Triumph) Raw quartet EMI Canada E2 99302 20.99 (14.00 US)
Emmett, Rik (Triumph) Rik Emmett LIVE at Berklee artisan P2 26986 20.99 (14.00 US)
Emmett, Rik & Sam Reid the Spirit of Christmas Open House P2 71501 Deleted
Emmett, Rik The Best Of Rik Emmett The Millenium Collection 4400144722 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Emmett, Rik (Triumph) Handiwork artisan P2 71667 20.99 (14.00 US)
Emms, Paul and the Green Valley Boys Church in the Wildwood Arc Not Available
emptys, the meatlockerfannoise BangOn BANG1013-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Empty Overdrive On The Planet, Off The Planet Supermono SNM 005 19.99 (14.00 US)
Encontre, Denis Denis Encontre Holborne Cassette Only 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Endangered Species Big Band Endangered Species Endangered Species ESP006 5.99 ( 4.00 US)
Endless Silk Road Music JBM JBM 9801 22.99 (16.00 US)
End, The Transfer Trachea Reverberations From Point... Redefine RCD-077 19.99 (14.00 US)
ENdEAVOR ENdEAVOR Summit SCD 5356 22.99 (16.00 US)
Endo Endo Bizo ENDO-1 22.99 (16.00 US)
Enema Clean As A Whistle indie pool LRE0013 21.99 (15.00 US)
England, Andrea Lemonade LFM/MapleNationwide LFM013 16.99 (12.00 US)
England, John Ivory Daydreams indie pool ISRCD0002 23.99 (17.00 US)
English, Willie Willie English Pacemaker PACE-039 TBA
Englishman, J. poor l'il rockstar wea 2 81650 19.99 (14.00 US)
Enhancer Enhancer Enhancer ENHCD001 Deleted
Enman, Ken Instant Atmosphere Tidemark 02 10370 Deleted
Enman, Ken Fingerfood Tidemark 02 10914 Deleted
Ennis Sisters Can't Be the Same Ennis Sisters Not Available
Ennis Sisters, The Red is the Rose Tidemark 02 50723 Deleted
Ennis Sisters, The Christmas on Ennis Road Tidemark 02 50775 Deleted
Ennis Sisters, The 3 Tidemark 02 50822 Deleted
Ennis Sisters EnnissisterS wea 2 40057 20.99 (14.00 US)
Ennis Sisters Christmas wea 2 51007 20.99 (14.00 US)
Ennis Sisters It's not about you Ennis Sisters RRCD 7047 Deleted
Ensemble Claude-Gervaise Tout L'monde Est Malheureux Not Available
Ensemble Claude-Gervaise Chante L'amour Et La Guerre Not Available
Ensemble Claude-Gervaise Jouissance Vous Donneray Not Available
Ensemble Claude-Gervaise La Rencontre Not Available
Ensemble Claude-Gervaise Musique Au Temps De Leonard Da Vinci Not Available
Ensemble Claude-Gervaise Noels De La Renaissance Not Available
Ensemble Girigonza Villa-Lobos Canteloube Sealey Rein Cansona Arts Media CAM 9601 Deleted
Enter The Haggis Let The Wind Blow High Enter The Haggis ETHCD401 19.99 (14.00 US)
Enter The Haggis Aerials Enter The Haggis ETH 2001 19.99 (14.00 US)
Enter The Haggis Live! 04.26.02 - 04.29.02 Enter The Haggis ETHCD402 19.99 (14.00 US)
Enter The Haggis Casualties Of Retail Enter The Haggis ETHCD504 19.99 (14.00 US)
Enter The Haggis Live At Lanigan's Ball (DVD) Adirondack 2095308322 19.99 (14.00 US)
Entourloupe La St-Berdondaine EMI Canada 67527 04441-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Entropy Ashen Existence Exalted Sith CD6915 Deleted
Entropy Transcendence Inazone HRH950207 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Enzo Enzo Enzo Enzo Quebec BMGQCD 813 19.99 (14.00 US)
Enzo Enzo Deux RCA 74321-18249-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
ephin Build Fusion3 EPHCD 7777 CD 17.99 (12.00 US)
Epic45 Reckless Engineers Where Are My WAM009 15.99 (11.00 US)
Epileptic Brain Surgeons Epileptic Brain Surgeons Epidemic Deleted
Epsilonla3 Audiovideotherapy DVD Epsilonla3 EPSILONDVD001 18.99 (13.00 US)
epsilon knot edna Turtle TR-05 17.99 (12.00 US)
Epworth, John MM / DD / YY Antiantenna ANT005 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Equus Equus Auto Not Available
erez-petersen project, an Step Up NBH CD-090151 22.99 (16.00 US)
eric panic catharsis Local Union 2112 UNION030-2 18.99 (13.00 US)
Eric's Trip Peter Murder MURCD 2 Deleted
Eric's Trip Love Tara Sub Pop SP234b 20.99 (14.00 US)
Eric's Trip Songs About Chris Sub Pop SPCD 88/259 Deleted
Eric's Trip Forever Again Sub Pop SPCD 00268 Deleted
Eric's Trip Purple Blue Sub Pop SPCD 333 24.99 (17.00 US)
Eric's Trip long days ride 'till tomorrow Sonic Unyon sap 0077 19.99 (14.00 US)
Eric's Trip The Eric's Trip Show... 1991-1996 teenage USA 57362-3025-2 16.99 (12.00 US)
Erikson, Karl Aerogramme United Artists Not Available
Erikson, Karl I Am Next United Artists Not Available
Eriksson, Anders Within Reach Anders Eriksson AEMCD1 20.99 (14.00 US)
Eritage Eritage Son-D'Or Not Available
Eritage La Poulette Grise Son-D'Or Not Available
Eritage L'alouette Chante Encore Son-D'Or Not Available
Eritage Chansons De Toutes Les Couleurs Son-D'Or Not Available
Eritage La Ronde Des Voyageurs Son-D'Or Not Available
Esathero Breath From Another Work/Sony RFCD 001 19.99 (14.00 US)
Escape Hyp-Selfnosis Escape CD 001 MAGCD-12 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
esq Breakfast In Kamloops esq ESQ 001 Deleted
Esquires Introducing The Esquires Capitol C2 57777 20.99 (14.00 US)
Essence white st*r line Incentive Cassette Only 3.99 ( 2.50 US)
Essentials, The Oh what a night! The Essentials ESSCD001 Deleted
Essentials, The ...and then some The Essentials ESSCD002 Deleted
Essig, David Redbird Country Woodshed Not Available
Essig, David high ground Woodshed Not Available
Essig, David Stewart Crossing Woodshed Not Available
Essig, David Sequence Posterity/Woodshed Not Available
Essig, David In the Tradition Phonodisc AP 113-2 24.99 (17.00 US)
Essig, David While Living in the Good Years Appaloosa AP 113-2 24.99 (17.00 US)
Essig, David Whose Muddy Shoes Appaloosa Not Available
Essig, David Two Kayagum Solos New Woodshed Not Available
Essig, David Running Light New Woodshed Not Available
Essig, David Morning Calm New Woodshed Not Available
Essig, David Rebel Flag Appaloosa AP 072-2 Deleted
Essig, David State Of Origin Arpeggio AP 093-2 24.99 (17.00 US)
Essig, David Tremble & Weep Arpeggio AP 126-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Essig, David Redbird Country | High Ground Appaloosa AP 133-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Essig, David into the lowering sky Appaloosa AP 141-2 24.99 (17.00 US)
Essig, David A Stone In My Pocket (2CDs) Pacific PM12032 23.99 (16.00 US)
Essig, David The Songs and Guitar of David Essig (DVD) Windswept/Cox 0619604010 23.99 (16.00 US)
Essihos, George Extraordinary Measures Essihos ESS CD-1 Deleted
Este Mundo Isla Rosada Tidemark 02-70754 Deleted
Este Mundo los elementos Tidemark 02-50877 Deleted
Esterhazy, Danishka The Harper's Hands Koshka KOSH 101 18.99 (13.00 US)
Eternity's Children Eternity's Children Capitol Not Available
Eternity's Children Timeless Capitol Not Available
Ethier, Andre Andre Ethier W/ Christopher Sandes Sonic Unyon SUNCD094-2 18.99 (13.00 US)
Eudoxis Attack From Above Private Not Available
Euphoria (featuring G. Webster) Powerdrive Not Available
euphoria euphoria Six Degrees 57036-1015-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
euphoria Delerium EP Six Degrees 57036-5015-2 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
euphoria beautiful my child Six Degrees 57036-1045-2 19.99 ( 8.00 US)
Euphorics, The Standing Up For Love indie pool HAPPYCD01 23.99 (14.00 US)
Eustace, Mary Jo Bone & Marrow Mary Jo Eustace MJE 001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Eval Manigat Africa+ T.R.B./Musicor Deleted
Evan, Brian quite frankly... Indie Pool 23.99 (16.00 US)
Evans, Bobby Irish & Newfoundland Favorites Vol. 1 Landwash 2436505302 19.99 (14.00 US)
Evans, Bobby Irish & Newfoundland Favorites Vol. 2 Landwash 2436505312 19.99 (14.00 US)
Evans, Bobby Newfoundland "Fun Songs" Landwash 2436505322 19.99 (14.00 US)
Evans, Bobby Songs of the Island Landwash 2436505332 19.99 (14.00 US)
Evans, Bobby Pure Gospel Landwash 2436505342 19.99 (14.00 US)
Evans, Bobby Country Favourites Landwash Cassette Only 14.99 (10.00 US)
Evans, George Mood Swing M-Swing G 023 17.99 (12.00 US)
Evans, George I'm All Smiles M-Swing MSWG 024 17.99 (12.00 US)
Evans, George From Moment To Moment M-Swing MSWG 025 18.99 (13.00 US)
Evans, George Eyes For You M-Swing MSWG 026 18.99 (13.00 US)
Evans, George George Evans V M-Swing MSWG 027 18.99 (13.00 US)
Evans, Paul Big Steel Guitar Oak Cassette Only 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Evans & Doherty Live At The Lunenberg Harbour Folk Festival Evandoh 1001 CD Deleted
Evans & Doherty Silver Sea Evandoh 1002 CD Deleted
Evans & Doherty Road Not Taken Evandoh 1003 CD Deleted
Evans & Doherty Sailors on the Asphalt Sea Evandoh 1004 CD 19.99 (14.00 US)
Evans & Doherty A Much Better View Evandoh 1008 CD 19.99 (16.00 US)
Evans & Doherty Sailing Ships & Sailing Men no NO 007 Deleted
Evans & Doherty The World Is What You Make It no NO 077 Deleted
Evaporators, The I Gotta Rash Mint/NardWuar MR-00 17.99 (12.00 US)
Evaporators, The United Empire Loyalists Mint/NardWuar MR-07 22.99 (16.00 US)
Evaporators, The Ripple Rock Mint/NardWuar MR-72 17.99 (12.00 US)
Evely, Lizanne Under a New Sun Vamp VPCD6002 22.99 (16.00 US)
Eventide Eventide indie pool EBB01 16.99 (12.00 US)
Everest Everest Epic PE-80098 Deleted
Everhart, Bob & Sheila 20 American Classics Condor HCD 4458 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Everlasting Grace The Motive Of One Everlasting Grace Cassette 2.99 ( 2.00 US)
Every Mother's Nightmare Smokin' Delta Voodoo Pacemaker PER00222 18.99 (13.00 US)
Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen CDEP indie pool ORCD1007 16.99 (12.00 US)
Everyday People Everyday People GRT Deleted
Evil Roy Slade Heat Turtle TR-04 15.99 (11.00 US)
Evoy, Larry Larry Evoy Attic Not Available
Evaporators, The Ripple Rock Mint/NardWuar MR-72 17.99 (12.00 US)
Excalceolators Eternal Good Foot supermono BBL1 18.99 (13.00 US)
exchanges, the the exchanges sans 2005 22.99 (16.00 US)
Exciter Heavy Metal Maniac Shrapnel MEGK19852 19.99 (14.00 US)
Exciter Unveiling The Wicked Megaforce MEGK19872 19.99 (14.00 US)
Exciter Violence & Force Megaforce MEGK19942 19.99 (14.00 US)
Exciter Long Live The Loud Megaforce MEGK19862 19.99 (14.00 US)
Exciter O.T.T. Megaforce MEGK19892 19.99 (14.00 US)
Exciter better Live than dead. Megaforce MEGK19962 19.99 (14.00 US)
Exhaust Exhaust Constellation TBA 19.99 (14.00 US)
Exit Sense of Adventure Alter Ego 10.99 ( 8.00 US)
Exit Random Thoughts of a Raving Lunatic Alter Ego 12.99 ( 9.00 US)
Exit This Side Sucker Exit This Side EXITCD001 23.99 (17.00 US)
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