All prices are listed here in both Canadian and US Dollars
(US prices are approximate exchanges in brackets)
Best selling titles are listed in yellow
Other available titles are listed in white Releases
which are currently unavailable are listed in grey
p:ano p:ano Not Available
p:ano p:ano : two Not Available
P.O.M. Level Seven Entartete Kunst 1497 15.99 (11.00 US)
P.O.P. From Behind The Brick Wall P.O.P. SAM-001 18.99 (13.00 US)
P5K Palimpsest Derivative DUH027 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pace, Brigitte Weird Voices Cool COOL CD 127 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pace, Vinnie Both Sides indie pool IPVP9801 27.99 (19.00 US)
Pacific Salt Pacific Salt Gramophone Not Available
Pacifici, Dino Urban Oasis Dance Plant DPX-2-1021 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pacifici, Dino The Journey Dance Plant DPX-2-1022 22.99 (16.00 US)
Packham, Blair Everything That's Good blare! BM001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pagan Schmalz & Other Sacrifices Fuzzy Love Fuzzy SRT-FL002CD 22.99 (16.00 US)
Page, Rachel Chase the Blues Arpeggio ARP 2102 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pagliaro Michel Pagliaro et les Chanceliers Citation Not Available
Pagliaro Le P'tit Popy Tradition Not Available
Pagliaro Michel Pagliaro DSP International Not Available
Pagliaro Pagliaro Spectrum Not Available
Pagliaro Première époque Spectrum Not Available
Pagliaro Michael Pagliaro Trans-world Not Available
Pagliaro Pagliaro & Martel Trans-world Not Available
Pagliaro RocknRoll Citation Not Available
Pagliaro Pagliaro Pax Not Available
Pagliaro Pagliaro Much Not Available
Pagliaro Pagliaro Amber Not Available
Pagliaro M'Lady Trans-world Not Available
Pagliaro Pag RCA Victor Not Available
Pagliaro Pagliaro Live RCA Victor Not Available
Pagliaro Rockers RCA Victor Not Available
Pagliaro Pagliaro RCA Victor Not Available
Pagliaro 17 Grands Success Multi-Pop Not Available
Pagliaro 1 CBS Not Available
Pagliaro Pagliaro CBS Not Available
Pagliaro Aujour D'Hui CBS Not Available
Pagliaro Time Race Columbia Not Available
Pagliaro Rock'n Roll Martin Not Available
Pagliaro Bamboo Trans-Canada Not Available
Pagliaro avant Aquarius Not Available
Pagliaro Sous Peine d'Amour Alert ADCD-10038 15.99 (11.00 US)
Pagliaro hit parade (2CDs) Audiogram ADCD 10087 28.99 (20.00 US)
Pagliaro Goodbye Rain @ 064027960020 Deleted
Pagliaro Pag (Greatest Hits) Mediarock MED2-1172 30.99 (21.00 US)
Paintbox Fuselage Paintbox PAINTBOX 001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Painted Daisies Flambescence Petaldisc 001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Painted Thin Painted Thin Endearing NDR003 14.99 (10.00 US)
Painted Thin still they die of broken hearts Endearing NDR009 16.99 (12.00 US)
Painter Painter Molten Not Available
Painter Painter Elektra Not Available
Painting Daisies Fortissimo Painting Daisies TBA TBA
Paladins R n' R Star SR-004 Cassette 14.99 (10.00 US)
Paleface Paleface Paleface PAF-001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Paley, Lee & Sandy Songs For Children Not Available
Palmer, Jerry Jerry Palmer's Lovin' Country Gaiety Not Available
Palmer, John I Am What I Am John Palmer JP0896CD 21.99 (15.00 US)
Palmerstone EP Palmerstone PMS 96012 22.99 (16.00 US)
Paloma (ex- 54•40) Paloma Smilin Buddha MA28114 8.99 ( 6.00 US)
Pan Pan Sings Nothing But Love Pan PAN001 23.99 (16.00 US)
Panagoniak, Charlie Charlie Panagoniak CBC Not Available
Pandit, Randev Anhata Dark Light DL 24005 24.99 (17.00 US)
Pangman, Alex they say... Sensation 769 748 018-2 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pangman, Alex & Her Alley Cats Live in Montréal Real Gone Gal RGG 029 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pangman, Alex Can't Stop From Dancing Real Gone Gal 0545500789 18.99 (13.00 US)
Panoply Academy Glee Club Rah Secretly Canadian SC19 19.99 (14.00 US)
Paolo Complete Mast Music CD-1001 16.99 (11.00 US)
Paolo I'm Not Leaving! Mast Music CD1002 20.99 (14.00 US)
Paolo Is Everybody Happy?! Mast Music CD1003 20.99 (14.00 US)
Papa Bear's Medicine Show Papa Bear's Medicine Show One Shot Not Available
Papas Fritas Papas Fritas handsome boy 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pape Gang, The The Adventures Of Johnny Rocco Pape Gang PE 101 Deleted
paper angee observing miss spent Smudge sr1 22.99 (16.00 US)
Paper Moon One thousand reasons to stay... one reason to leave. ndr035 16.99 (12.00 US)
Paper Moon Paper Moon | Lelies IPX ipx002 16.99 (12.00 US)
Paper Route, the go get it SSG SSG1182 22.99 (16.00 US)
Paper Soul Paper Soul Paper Soul PSL01 23.99 (16.00 US)
Paperbacks, The The Paperbacks | Wolf Colonel IPX ipx001 16.99 (12.00 US)
Paperboys, The Late as Usual Stompy Discs SDCD 001 19.99 (14.00 US)
Paperboys, The Molinos Stony Plain SPCD 1243 19.99 (14.00 US)
paperboys, Tom Landa and the postcards Stony Plain SPCD 1264 19.99 (14.00 US)
paperboys, the dilapidated beauty (2CDs) True North TND 315 25.99 (17.00 US)
Papichulo Crew We're What You Want EMI Canada P220 83289-2 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Papichulo Crew Mojaito (We Get It Wet) EMI Canada P220 83344-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Papillomas Twice As Early As You'd Ever Want... Daisy DSR9701 16.99 (12.00 US)
Papp. Sonia love me tonight Shoreline SHO-CD-0010 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pappajohn, Lori Celtic Harp For Christmas Horizon/Pacific AE 105 CD 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pappajohn, Lori Celtic Harp Of Dreams Horizon/Pacific AE 113 CD 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pappajohn, Lori Winter Harp Prime Minister PM 50052 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pappajohn, Lori and Ensemble Harp Dance Musincubator LM 104 15.99 (11.00 US)
Paquette, Sylvie oser RCA 74321/48216/2 20.99 (14.00 US)
Paquette, Sylvie Souvenirs De Trois ViK. 74321-80819-2 20.99 (14.00 US)
Parachute Club Parachute Club Not Available
Parachute Club Dancing At The Feet Of The Moon Not Available
Parachute Club Moving Thru' The Moonlight Current C2-9003 Deleted
Parachute Club Small Victories Current 5743-2-R Deleted
Parachute Club Wild Zone: The Essential Parachute Club BMG 0169217284-2 15.99 (11.00 US)
Parade Plan 11 From Inner Space Plan Eleven P11C01 Cassette 16.99 (11.00 US)
Parade Icarus Chocolate Rabbit Rab 7c 5.99 ( 4.00 US)
Paradigm Shift subConscious Nettwork N21Q-0777 19.99 (14.00 US)
Paradise Now Paradise Now Not Available
Paradox Paradox Artiste / Hot mustard MCBBD 42306 Deleted
Paradox Obvious Puzzle Artiste / Hot mustard MCAD-10337 Deleted
Paragon Flux Paragon PGNCD1001 25.99 (18.00 US)
Paranoid Delusions Paranoid Delusions indie pool 00468 21.99 (15.00 US)
pardon beggars understanding Wittgenstein super mono snm CD 001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pardy, Jean Pardy Time Condor Not Available
Pardy, Jean Let It Shine Condor Not Available
Pardy, Jean Let's Sing To Newfoundland Oak Cassette Only 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Parent, Kevin Grand Parleur Tacca/Select TACD-4510 19.99 (14.00 US)
Parent, Kevin Les Vents Ont Change Tacca/Select TACD 4522 19.99 (14.00 US)
Parent, Kevin Compilation Tacca/Select TACD 4577 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pariahs, The Down Again CDEP Fading Ways FWM021 12.99 ( 9.00 US)
Pariahs, The Mouthful Of Headache DHG DHG077 22.99 (16.00 US)
Paris, Sarina sarina paris EMI Canada P232 31599 20.99 (14.00 US)
Paris Black Secret Seduction Cassette Only KIC-8701 9.99 ( 7.00 US)
Park Like Setting School Day 2 Garbage Day 4 Peanuts & Corn P&C012 17.99 (12.00 US)
Parkas Now This Is Fighting MapleNationwide NDR040 16.99 (12.00 US)
Parker, Denis Snowman Blues Landwash 76127 06812 19.99 (14.00 US)
Parker, Jim Around The World indie pool ESC001 Cassette 20.99 (14.00 US)
Parker, Jim On My Street indie pool ESC002 20.99 (14.00 US)
Parker, Jim From Away indie pool ASC003 25.99 (18.00 US)
Parker, Jim From Away indie pool ASC003 25.99 (18.00 US)
Parker, Jim & Ernie Coombs Favorite Songs indie pool BNT 001 20.99 (14.00 US)
Parking Lot is... Parking Lot Not Available
Parry, David The Man From Eldorado David Pary DPCD 101 19.99 (14.00 US)
Parry, Evalyn unreasonable festival EPCD 177 19.99 (14.00 US)
Parschauer Sisters Sunrise Not Available
Partland, Kelly And Alter Ego Interrupted Journey Spy SPYCD1017 24.99 (17.00 US)
Partland Brothers, The Electric Honey Capitol CDP 7 46655-2 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Partland Brothers, The Between Worlds Capitol C2-93394 24.99 (17.00 US)
Partland Brothers, The Part Land, Part Water kinetic KRD 912 Deleted
Parts Unknown Parts Unknown Parts Unknown Not Available
Parts Unknown Parts Unknown II Parts Unknown Not Available
Parts Unknown Parts Unknown III Parts Unknown Not Available
Parts Unknown The Ocean's Wrong Dot-Dash 22.99 (16.00 US)
Parts Unknown Airshow Dot-Dash DOT01 17.99 (12.00 US)
Pary, Chantal La Grande Collection (2CD) Universal 7400882 Deleted
Pascal, Blaise Hairspray Page P232 11477 Deleted
Pasher, George Rounders and Romantics Rodeo Cassette Only 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Pashley, Douglas Songs Pashley Not Available
Pashley, Doug Eye Of The Hurricane ragged pup rpr 0001 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pasowisty, Victor Ukrainian Festival Arc Not Available
Pasowisty, Victor Forget Me Nots Holborne Cassette Only 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Pass Creek generations Turtle Island TIM30021 20.99 (14.00 US)
Passage Dangerous Dance indie pool 032797 23.99 (16.00 US)
Passion d'Flower Flowers in the Rain Passion d'Flower PDF01 Cass 14.99 (10.00 US)
Passion d'Flower Return Of The Ugly Warrior indie pool FWM008 20.99 (14.00 US)
Pasion • over • Reason Crying In A Crowded Room P•O•R 6 23482 00001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pasties, The The Pasties indie pool 00001 19.99 (14.00 US)
Patmaca Open House Not Available
Patterson, Elizabeth Pengalleon Banff PRCD 1339 Deleted
Patterson, Lisa Roam Imaginit 777320119223 18.99 (13.00 US)
Patterson, Roy The Release Unity Unity 113 14.99 (10.00 US)
Patterson, Roy The Acadiana Suite Unity Unity 138 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Patterson, Roy The Coming Of Angels Unity Unity 149 17.99 (12.00 US)
Patterson Quartet, The Roy Inland Passages Justin Time JTR 8462-2 21.99 (15.00 US)
Patterson, Roy w/ ingrid jensen On A Cloud Unity Press P232 11456 19.99 (14.00 US)
Patria My Rules EMI Canada P232 00737-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Paul, Greg Love Will Royalty RRI-300-9335 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Paupers, The Magic People Not Available
Paupers, The Ellis Island Not Available
Paupers, The dig deep 1966 - 1968 (Greatest Hits) Mercury 314 538 839-2 Deleted
Pavlo Pavlo Hejaz/Banff PRCD 1341 24.99 (17.00 US)
Pavlo Pavlo Sleeping Giant SGM 01 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pavlo fantasia Sleeping Giant SGM 02 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pavlo I Feel Love Again Sleeping Giant SGM 03 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pavlo Frost Bite Music for the Holidays Sleeping Giant SGM 04 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pavlo Meditteranean Lounge Sleeping Giant SGM 07 18.99 (13.00 US)
Payant, Robert Les Chanteux MaGaDa MAGCD80 18.99 (13.00 US)
Payne, Claudia Claudia Payne Claudia Payne CPCD2001 25.99 (18.00 US)
Payne, Joshua your love, my home Verve Forecast B000163212 18.99 (13.00 US)
Payne, Jim Empty Nets Tidemark SSCD-9192 Deleted
Payne, Jim & Fergus O'Byrne Wave Over Wave Tidemark POCD 101 Deleted
Payne, Jim State of the Nation Tidemark SSCD-9193 Deleted
Payne, Jim & Glen Downey Sods 'n Rhymes Tidemark 02 50636 Deleted
Payne, Roy No Price Tags On The Doors Of Newfoundland Paragon Deleted
Payne, Roy Last Of The Reasons Arc Not Available
Payne, Roy Willy's Yellow Pickup Truck Arc Not Available
Payne, Roy Goofy Newfie Marathon Not Available
Payne, Roy Love & Hate and Women's Lib Marathon Not Available
Payne, Roy 'Newfie Boy' Camden HCD 4471 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Payne, Roy & Derek Pilgrim This Is My Island Payne/Pilgrim Cassette Only 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Payne, Roy Back to The 70's Street Level Music Heritage Cassette Only 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Payne, Roy Million Dollar $ Maple Leaf Condor HCD 4430 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Payne, Roy & Dick Nolan Side By Each Condor HCD 4437 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Payne, Roy Sing Me Back Home Condor HCD 4453 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Payne, Roy A Man Called Absalom Condor HCD 4494 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Payne, Roy Holding Up The Wall Heritage HCD 4577 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Payne, Roy Newfoundland Smile Landwash LWDC 4577 19.99 (14.00 US)
Payola$ Introducing Payola$ A&M Not Available
Payola$ Hammer On A Drum A&M Not Available
Payola$ No Stranger To Danger A&M Not Available
Payola$ In A Place Like This A&M Not Available
Payola$ Here's The World For Ya A&M Not Available
Payola$ Between A Rock & A Hyde Place A&M CD-9134 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Payola$ The Best Of Payola$ The Millenium Collection 440184642 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
pearlfishers, the the young picnickers Page P232 11461 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pedler, Jack D.T. Delinquent Race 204516 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pelchat, Mario Pelchat Sony CK 80177 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pelchat, Mario Mario Pelchat Sony WCK 80185 10.99 ( 8.00 US)
Pelchat, Mario Incontournables Columbia CK 80360 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pelchat, Mario Pelchat 2002 (2CDs) Select AMPCD 20 30.99 (20.00 US)
Pelleter, Bruno miserere pomme/Artiste AR-CD-116 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pelleter, Bruno D'autres vives pomme/Artiste AR-CD-117 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pelletier, Claire Galileo Select MACD 5836 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pellitier, Louis-Philippe cités célestes Fusion3 F3 2077 16.99 (12.00 US)
Péloquin Sauvageau Mucho Gusto MGCD004 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pelt Pelt Nemesis RDRCD3741 22.99 (16.00 US)
Peluso Malgré Tout BMG/ariola/Novità 74321-57810-2 22.99 (16.00 US)
Penderecki String Quartet learning to fall Music Of Buhr Marquis P2 81237 20.99 (14.00 US)
Penelope Face Au Silence Du Monde Union 2112 U2112-0001 19.99 (14.00 US)
peninsula blue night, no season aeon CD 8409 4882 23.99 (17.00 US)
Penner, Fred The Cat Came Back Casablanca Kids CAS-CD-42001 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Penner, Fred Fred's Favourites Casablanca Kids CAS-CD-42004 9.99 ( 7.00 US)
Penney, Dan Walkin' Up Town 14 Great Fiddle Tunes Oak Cassette Only 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Penney, Terry Missing Marshville Landwash 2791509732 19.99 (14.00 US)
Penny Black (ex-Killer Dwarfs) Penny Black Cordoozle CM1012001 18.99 (13.00 US)
People From Earth (Rheostatics) growing up from the ground DROG DROGCD 008 24.99 (17.00 US)
People From Earth (Rheostatics) luvskull DROG DROGCD 044 24.99 (17.00 US)
People Playing Music People Playing Music People Playing Music PPM 001 Deleted
People Playing Music Sette People Playing Music PPM 002 Deleted
pepper sands pepper sands Universal 7697422212 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Pepper Tree, The You're My People Capitol Not Available
Perak, Mark Waiting To Look You In The Eye Mark Perak MP-CD-001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Percy And The Teardrops Almost Live Drop Not Available
Peregrine Fireweed Peregrin Fireweed (EP) Peregrin Fireweed PF1A6 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Perelman, Ivo w/ Matthew Shipp Cama De Terr Homestead 1753-10237-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
perennial madness perennial madness Chiptruck PERENNIAL 22.99 (16.00 US)
Perfect Affair Perfect Affair Attic ATT-1182 13.99 ( 9.00 US)
Perfect Affair Visions Pacemaker PACE-036 24.99 (17.00 US)
perfume tree dust Zulu ZULU 6-2 14.99 (10.00 US)
perfume tree Remote EP Zulu ZULEP 5-2 Deleted
perfume tree fathom the sky EP Zulu zulep 6-2 24.99 (17.00 US)
perfume tree a lifetime away Zulu ZULU 16-2 14.99 (10.00 US)
perfume tree the suns running out Zulu ZULU 11-2 14.99 (10.00 US)
perfume tree feeler World Domination WDPF-CD07 24.99 (17.00 US)
perfume tree felt minimum/FusionIII MINIM007CD 18.99 (13.00 US)
Perms, The Tight Perm The Perms TBA
Perpetrators, The The Perpetrators The Perpetrators Not Available
Perreault, Marie-Pier Parlez-moi Disque Artiste ARCD-120 19.99 (14.00 US)
Perry, David The Man from Eldorado borealis BCD 106 19.99 (14.00 US)
Perry, Mark Dreams of the Highway Mark Perry MP 1001 19.99 (14.00 US)
Perry, Mark Vera's Cafe Mark Perry MP 1503 19.99 (14.00 US)
Perry, Mark Still Around Coyote CEGCD 2010 19.99 (14.00 US)
Perry, P.J. my ideal Unity Jazz UTY CD 128 13.99 (10.00 US)
Perry, P.J. Quintet Unity Jazz UTY 142 13.99 (10.00 US)
Perry, P.J. & Doug Riley Come Sunday Songs of Spirituality Justin Time JTR 8503-2 18.99 (13.00 US)
Persona Solidad indie pool CD11001 23.99 (16.00 US)
Perth County Conspiracy Mushroom Music Columbia Not Available
Perth County Conspiracy Cabin Fever Columbia Not Available
Perth County Conspiracy the Perth County Conspiracy Does Not Exist Rumour Not Available
Perth County Conspiracy Break Out To Berlin t Rumour Not Available
Perth County Conspiracy Alive Columbia Not Available
Pérusse, François L'Album Du Peuple Tome 1 Zero ZMBD-02 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Pérusse, François L'Album Du Peuple Tome 2 Zero ZMBD-03 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Pérusse, François L'Album Du Peuple Tome III Zero ZMBD-04 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Pérusse, François L'Album Du Peuple Tome 4" Zero ZMBD-05 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Pérusse, François La Poursuite L'Album Du Peuple • Tome 5 ZMBD 08 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Pérusse, François L'Album Du Peuple volume 1 Zero ZMBD 9 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Pérusse, François L'Album Pirate De François Pérusse Zero ZMSD11 15.99 (11.00 US)
Pérusse, François L'Album Du Peuple De François Pérusse Volume 2 ZMSD12 15.99 (11.00 US)
Pérusse, François L'Album du peuple Tome 6 Zero ZMBD 13 15.99 (11.00 US)
Pest 5000 Interabang derivative! DUH025-2 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pest 5000 (P5K) Palimpsest derivative! DUH027-2 18.99 (13.00 US)
Peters Drury Trio when old met new Peters Drury Trio PDT 001 18.99 (13.00 US)
Peters Drury Trio backbeat Peters Drury Trio PDT 2018 18.99 (13.00 US)
Peters Drury Trio Swing into Christmas Peters Drury Trio PDT 2421 18.99 (13.00 US)
Peterson, Colleen Beginning To Feel Like Home EMI Canada C2 30656 Deleted
Peterson, Colleen Colleen EMI Canada Not Available
Peterson, Colleen Takin' My Boots Off EMI Canada Not Available
Peterson, Colleen Basic Facts EMI Canada Not Available
Peterson, Colleen Let Me Down Easy EMI Canada Not Available
Peterson, Colleen What Goes Around Comes Around EMI Canada S21S 33362 Deleted
Peterson, Colleen Postcards From California Souvenir SM 0104 18.99 (13.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar At The Concertgebouw Verve RE 8268 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar The Young Oscar Peterson Camden Not Available
Peterson Trio, The Oscar A Jazz Portrait Of Frank Sinatra Mercury B000268402 18.99 (13.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar A Royal Wedding Suite Blue Note OJCCD 973 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar A Summer Night In Munich A&M CD 83450 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar A Tribute To My Friends Blue Note OJCC 908 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar America Verve Not Available
Peterson, Oscar An Oscar Peterson Christmas A&M CD 83372 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson Trio, The Oscar Another Day Verve B000539502 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson Trio, The Oscar At The Concertgebouw Verve 314 521 649-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar At The Stratford Festival Verve 314 513 752-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar At Zardi's (2CD) Phonodisc PACD-2620-118 33.99 (23.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Beginnings: (1945-1949) BMG Canada 01612651442 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Blues Etude Mercury 818 844-2 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Swinging Brass / Bursting Out Mercury 314 529 699-2 Deleted
Peterson Trio, The Oscar Canadiana Suite Polydor 422 818 841-2 15.99 (11.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Compact Jazz Mercury 830 698-2 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Compact Jazz: Friends Mercury 835 315-2 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Compact Jazz: Plays Jazz Standards Mercury 833 283-2 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar Encore At The Blue Note A&M CD 83356 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Exclusively For My Friends (4CD Set)Polygram 513 830-2 74.99 (50.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Exclusively For My Friends Polygram 529 096-2 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Girl Talk Mercury 821 842-2 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson Trio, The Oscar Great Connection Verve B000539602 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Hello Herbie Verve B000539702 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar History Of An Artist (2CD) Phonodisc PACD-2625-702 33.99 (23.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar How High The Moon Hallmark 309932 10.99 ( 7.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar If You Could See Me Now Phonodisc PACD-2310-918 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson Trio, The Oscar In Tune Verve POCJ1862 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar Jazz 'round Midnight Polygram 511 036-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Jousts Blue Note OJCCD857 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Last Call At The Bluenote A&M CD 83314 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Live At The Bluenote A&M CD 83304 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson Trio, Oscar Live At CBC Studios, 1960 Just A Memory JAM 9507 18.99 (13.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Live At The London House Verve POCJ1915 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar Live At The Northsea Festival Phonodisc PACD-2620-115 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Motions & Emotions Verve B000539902 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar My Fair Lady And Fiorello Verve 314 521 677-2 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar my favorite instrument Mercury 821 843-2 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Nigerian Marketplace Phonodisc PACD-2308-231 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Night Train Verve 314 521 440-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar 1951 Just A Memory JAM 9501 18.99 (13.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar And Benny A&M CD 83406 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar In Paris: Live A&M CD 83414 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson & Clark Terry Blue Note OJCCD 806 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson & Harry Blue NOte OJCCD 738 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson & John Faddis Blue NOte OJCCD-1036 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson Big Six Blue Note OJCCD 931 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson In Russia (2CDs) Phonodisc PACD-2625-711 33.99 (23.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson Live Phonodisc PACD-2310-940 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson Meets Roy A&M CD 83399 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Plays Count Basie Verve 314 519 811-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson Plays Porgie And Bess Verve 314 519 807-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson Plays The Cole Porter Songbook 821 987-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar Peterson Plays The Duke Ellington Songbook 314 559 785-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson Quartet, Oscar The Oscar Peterson Quartet #1 Verve POCJ1934 22.99 (16.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Plays Count Basie Verve POCJ1922 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar Porgy & Bess Blue Note OJCCD 829 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Reunion Blues Verve B000540002 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Romance: The Vocal Styling Of Oscar Verve POCJ1911 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar Saturday Night At The Blue Note A&M CD 83306 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Solo Pablo PACD-2310-9752 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Live At The Bluenote A&M CD 83304 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar swinging cooperations Polygram 539 085-2 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Best Of Oscar Peterson Verve POCJ1514 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar The Essential Oscar Peterson Verve 314 517 174-2 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Gershwin Songbooks Verve 314 529 698-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Giants (with Joe Pass) Blue Note OJCCD 858 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Jazz Soul Of Oscar Peterson Verve 314 533 100-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The London Concert (2CDs) Phonodisc PAD2620111 33.99 (23.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The London House Sessions (5CD Box) Verve 314 531 766-2 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar The More I See You A&M CD 83370 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Paris Concert (2CDs) Phonodisc PACD-2620-112 33.99 (23.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Silver Collection Mercury 823 447-2 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Song Is You: The Best Verve 314 531 558-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Trio Mercury 823 008-2 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Trio: Live In Chicago Verve 314 539 063-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Will To Swing (2CD) Mercury 847 203-2 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar Three Originals (2CDs) Polygram 521 059-2 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar Time After Time Phonodisc PACD-2310-947 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar solo piano Tracks Polygram B000540102 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Joe Pass The Trio Pablo PACD-2310-701 14.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar "Satch" and "Josh" Pablo PACD-2310-722 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson Quarter, The Oscar "A Tribute To My Friends" Pablo PACD-2310-902 14.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Trio + One: Clark Terry Verve 314 558 075-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Triple-Play (3CDs) A&M CD 83447 53.99 (36.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Tristeza On Piano Verve B000540202 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Two Originals: Walking... Verve 314 533 549-2 Deleted
Peterson, Oscar Ultimate Oscar Peterson Verve 314 539 786-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar & Singers Unlimited Verve B000539802 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Verve Jazz Masters Series No. 16 Verve 314 516 320-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Verve Jazz Masters Series No. 37 Verve 314 516 893-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson Trio, The Oscar Walking The Line Verve B000540302 13.99 (10.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar We Get Requests Verve 314 521 442-2 17.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar West Side Story Verve 314 539 753-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar West Side Story Mercury 821 575-2 16.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar With Respect To Nat Verve 314 557 486-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar A Summer Night In Munich Telarc 314 557 777-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Live At Town Hall Telarc Jazz CD 83401 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar A 75th Anniversay Celebration Mercury 314 543 902-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar and Itzhak Perlman Side by Side Telarc 314 577 777-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Trail of Dreams A Canadian Suite Telarc Jazz CD-83500 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson Trio, Oscar On The Town With The Oscar Peterson Trio Verve 314 543 834-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Oscar's Ballads Telarc Jazz CD 83504 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar | Stéphane Grappelli Jazz in Paris Verve 4400130282 19.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Most Famous Hits The Album (2CDs) CIT CIT 6516 18.99 (13.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar I Got Rhythm Prism Leisure PLATCD 607 9.99 ( 7.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar a jazz odyssey Verve 314 589 780-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar This Is Oscar Peterson (2CD) Universal 090266399024 42.99 (28.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar with Herb Ellis & Ray Brown Tenderly Justin Time JAM 9147-2 15.99 (11.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Genesis (2CDs) Proper Pairs PVCD113 25.99 (18.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar the first recordings... indigo IGOCD 2070 22.99 (16.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar at sundown Snapper SMDCD 407 22.99 (16.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Vancouver, 1958 Just A Memory JAM 9148-2 15.99 (11.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Portrait YDGS / Blue Classic Line 5029365726429 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Song Is You Trend / Back Up 712177 046041 20.99 (14.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar A Night In Vienna DVD Verve 0249862534 30.99 (21.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar A Night In Vienna Verve 0249862535 18.99 (13.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Live At The Blue Note (4CD Box) Telarc Jazz CD83617 80.99 (61.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar The Canadian Giant YDGS SAG9810640 21.99 (15.00 US)
Peterson, Oscar Piano Power (4CDs) Proper PROPERBOX94 43.99 (31.00 US)
Petites tounes Le Grand Monde des Petites tounes Select/MC MCCD1700 19.99 (14.00 US)
pets, the love and war endearing NDR022 16.99 (12.00 US)
Petty, Dini The Queen, The Bear and the Bumblebee wea 2 84353 9.99 ( 7.00 US)
Pezz Pezz BYO BYO 777-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
P5K (Pest 5000) Palimpsest derivative! DUH027-2 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pham Duc Thanh Vietnamese Traditional Dan Bau Music Oliver Sudden K10-19CD 18.99 (13.00 US)
Phantoms, The Pleasure Puppets Spy SPYCD-1006 Deleted
Phantoms, The Raw Spy 75164 30002 Deleted
Pheek Les Autres Promeneurs Epsilonlab EPSILONCD005 17.99 (12.00 US)
Phillipe, Marie Marie Phillipe Not Available
Phillipe, Marie Marie Phillipe II 510 TFD 8946 Deleted
Phillips, Claudia Black Jack! Barclay 841 024-2 Deleted
Phillips, Stacey & Paul Howard Stacey Phillips & Paul Howard Cordova Bay Cordova 19.99 (14.00 US)
Phillips, Stu Blue Canadian Rockies Watermark W336D Deleted
Phillips, Tom King Of The Broken Heaqrt Ruby Moon RMWL 6001 18.99 (13.00 US)
philosopher kings, the Philosopher Kings, the Columbia CK 80192 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
philosopher kings, the Famous, Rich and Beautiful... Columbia CK 80291 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
philosopher kings, the Live One Night Stand Columbia CK 80472 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Philosopher's Stone One Philosopher's Stone PS001CD 21.99 (15.00 US)
phineas gage phineas gage Lone Pine 202 995 22.99 (16.00 US)
Phippard, Kathy outside lookin' in Candleview 02 50733 18.99 (13.00 US)
Phleg Camp Repeat until change. Aural Borealis ABCD 001 Deleted
Phoebe Spread so it goes... Phoebe Spread Cassette Only 3.99 ( 2.50 US)
Phoenix A Chamber Choir The Huron Carole Saydisc SKY 9904 25.99 (18.50 US)
Phoids, The The Phoids Ng. 22.99 (16.00 US)
Phono-Comb. Monsters, Lullabies... and the occasional flying saucer 22.99 (16.00 US)
Phono-Comb. Fresh Gasoline Touch and Go 36172-0043-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Photograph Photograph Capitol Not Available
Phÿcus brainmower Musicus Phÿcus 18.99 (13.00 US)
Phÿcus Sonderkommando Now! Musicus Phÿcus 18.99 (13.00 US)
Picard, Marc Ange Démon EMI Canada E2 57659 19.99 (14.00 US)
Piché, Paul Le Voyage Audiogram ADCD 10125 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pickett, Michael Blues Money Wooden Teeth WT - CD001 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pickett, Michael Conversation with the Blues Wooden Teeth WT - CD002 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pickett, Michael Solo Wooden Teeth WT - CD003 18.99 (13.00 US)
Picture Comes To Life Picture Comes To Life EP C.P.O.L. CPOCD-01 Deleted
Picture Comes To Life Picture Comes To Life Cesspool of Lust CPOCD-02 24.99 (17.00 US)
Picture Comes To Life ...How? Cesspool of Lust CPOCD-03 24.99 (17.00 US)
Piebald All Ears, All Eyes, All the Time SideOneDummy SD71247 17.99 (12.00 US)
Pied Pumkin String Ensemble Pied Pumkin String Ensemble Squash Not Available
Pied Pumkin String Ensemble Pied Pumkin Allah Mode Squash Not Available
Pied Pumkin String Ensemble The Pear Of Pied Pumkin Squash Not Available
Pied Pumkin String Ensemble Pied Pear Squash Not Available
Pied Pumkin String Ensemble The Lost Squash Tapes Squash Not Available
Pied Pumkin String Ensemble • Plucking deVine • 1974-80 Squash SQ-7 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pied Pumkin String Ensemble Pied Alive Squash SQ-8 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pier, Ford Meconium Page WRONG15 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pier, Ford Pier-ic Victory Six Shooter SIX014 16.99 (12.00 US)
Pierce, Adrienne Small Fires MapleNationwide 888880 16.99 (12.00 US)
Pierrot Ensemble Pure Delight CanSona Arts Media CAM 9501 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pierre, Isabelle Les Refrains d'Abord Fonovox VOX 7903-2 Deleted
Pigat, Paul Rockabilly Electric Guitar (DVD) Windswept/Cox 0619604010 23.99 (16.00 US)
Pigeon Hole and the one they call lightning aquarius Q2 00604 20.99 (14.00 US)
Pigfarm Plug Page PIG002 12.99 ( 9.00 US)
Piggins, Alun Awaken The Snakes A Major Label MM004 20.99 (14.00 US)
Piggy - the Calypso Orchestra Don't Stop The Calypso Cinnamon Toast CT022 13.99 ( 9.00 US)
Piggy Love Letter To Halifax Cinnamon Toast CT024 13.99 ( 9.00 US)
Pigment Vehicle Independent women are so damned good... Wrong WRONG 16 17.99 (12.00 US)
Pigment Vehicle Murder's Only Foreplay When You're Hot For... Sudden SD004 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pigment Vehicle Perfect Cop Moustache indie pool PV 003 23.99 (16.00 US)
Pike, Lesley Night Visions November Sky 821937102021 6.99 ( 5.00 US)
Pilate For All That's Given, Wasted Wrangled WRCD 0077 Deleted
Pilate caught by the window MapleRecordihng MRCD 6410 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pilate Self Control For Life's Speed MapleRecordings MRCD 6477 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pilgrim, Derek Makin' Progress Derek Pilgrim DPCD-0194 Deleted
Pilgrims Of The Mind what's your shrine? map MAPCD 01 19.99 (14.00 US)
Piltch, Rob • Don Thompson Bells Umbrella Not Available
Piltch & Davis (Holly Cole Trio) feast Alert Z2-81031 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pin A Beautiful Healthy Twitch Pin PIN 1 24.99 (17.00 US)
Pine Cone Fight Pine Cone Fight Pine Cone Fight PCCD01 23.99 (16.00 US)
Pine Cone Fight Not From Around Here Pine Cone Fight PCCD02 17.99 (12.00 US)
Pink Slips, The Push The Pink Slips PS-001 24.99 (17.00 US)
pinkeye difference engine conjunctivitus MCD 1 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pinkus, Mark • solo piano Free Spirit Avalon SOLCD39 16.99 (12.00 US)
Pinnock (Sinclaire), Densil Densil Pinnock Universal ERCD 5777 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pinnock (Sinclaire), Densil & Bill Coo Mona Lisa Universal ERCD 6671 19.99 (14.00 US)
(Pinnock) Sinclaire, Denzal i found love EmArcy 012 159 002-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pipedream The Journey From Hamburg to Iceland Begins Futura FUTURA001 CD Deleted
Piper, Ray Fantazea Ray Piper RPF 0698 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pipestone Creek Believing In Our Drum Turtle Island TIM30013 20.99 (14.00 US)
Pirahna People, The The Pirahna People Spock 5 Spock 5 Records Deleted
Pirie, Jim Soulero Capitol Not Available
Pischke, Steve Ol' Tyme Fiddle Greats Steve Pischke SP01 17.99 (12.00 US)
Pitre, Louise shattered Orange ORNG0008CD 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pizzamind Pizzamind Pizzamind PMCD012 21.99 (15.00 US)
Placebo 4 Don't Drink The Bathwater cb cb 003 Deleted
Plaid P-Brane EP Warp WRP 9158 13.99 ( 9.00 US)
Plaid Daddys, the the Plaid Daddys Plaid Daddys Cassette Only 14.99 (10.00 US)
Plaid Daddys, the Forthcoming E.P. Plaid Daddys PDCD-2 22.99 (16.00 US)
Plaid Daddys, the beckettabingada Plaid Daddys No Code 24.99 (17.00 US)
Plains Of Fascination join the ranks Unikunstmusica UK 001 17.99 (12.00 US)
Plan, the This Time is not this place Matlock MA0008 17.99 (12.00 US)
Plan, the Only These Movements Remain Matlock MA0077 19.99 (14.00 US)
Planet Smashers, The The Planet Smashers Stompy Discs stomp 002 18.99 (13.00 US)
Planet Smashers, The Attack Of The Planet Smashers Stompy Discs stomp 010 18.99 (13.00 US)
Planet Smashers, The Life Of The Party Stompy Discs stomp 020 18.99 (13.00 US)
Planet Smashers, The No Self Control Stompy Discs stomp 030 18.99 (13.00 US)
Planet Smashers, The Fabricated (best Of) Sky SKYR050-2 20.99 (14.00 US)
Planet Smashers, The Mighty Dare To Change stomp 040 20.99 (14.00 US)
Planet Smashers, The TEN (DVD) Stomp STM DVD 42 35.99 (22.00 US)
Plankerdown Band, The The Jig Is Up Pigeon Inlet PIPCD-7331 Deleted
Plante, Denis Cantos de Bandoneon Flores de Nacar NACAR001 19.99 (14.00 US)
Plaskett Emergency, The Joel Down At The Khyber Brobingnagian MRCD6432 16.99 (12.00 US)
Plaskett Emergency, The Joel In Need Of Medical Attention No Alternative MRCD6431 16.99 (12.00 US)
Plaskett, Joel La De Da MapleMusic MRCD6430 16.99 (12.00 US)
Plasma Blast Plasma Blast Fading Ways FWM009 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Plasma Blast Smashed Hits Fading Ways FWM020 15.99 (11.00 US)
Plasterscene Replicas Glow Raining RACD-101 Deleted
Plastic Bag Plastic Bag Squirtgun Squirt cd 177 22.99 (16.00 US)
Plastic Bertrand Ca Plane Pour Moi Vogue Not Available
Plastic Bertrand j'te fais un plan Vogue Not Available
Plastic Bertrand L'album Plastic attic Not Available
Plastic Bertrand "Plastiquez Vos Baffles" Avec Plastic Bertrand attic Not Available
Plastic Cloud, The The Plastic Cloud Allied LE 1002 30.99 (21.00 US)
Plastic People Egon Bondy's Happy Hearts Select 82478-2 Deleted
Plasticine Plasticine Plasticine P004 5.99 ( 4.00 US)
Plasticine Plasticine Attic/Song P004 24.99 (17.00 US)
Platoon War.ning indie pool HD3539 23.99 (16.00 US)
Plateau (cEvin kEy) Music For Grass Bars Metropolia MET077 19.99 (14.00 US)
Plateau (cEvin kEy) Spacecake Metropolia MET135 19.99 (14.00 US)
Platinum Blonde Six Track Attack (EP) Columbia Not Available
Platinum Blonde Standing In The Dark Columbia CK-80090 Deleted
Platinum Blonde Alien Shores Columbia EK 40447 Deleted
Platinum Blonde Contact Columbia EK 40949 Deleted
Platinum Blonde Best Of Live B.E.I./A&M 70055 50042 Deleted
Blondes, The (Platinum Blonde) Yeah Yeah Yeah Justin JED-0002 Deleted
Platinum Blonde Seven Year Itch: 1982 - 1989 Sony TVK 24054 15.99 (11.00 US)
Plato, Karin There's Beauty in the Rain Stikjazz Music KVP 1111 18.99 (13.00 US)
Plato, Karin Blue Again Stikjazz Music KVP2222 18.99 (13.00 US)
Plato, Karin The State of Bliss Stikjazz Music KVP2222 18.99 (13.00 US)
Playford Players, The Maple Grove Playford Not Available
Please Feed The Animals Please Feed The Animals Arc/Paragon Not Available
Pleasure Joyologist indie pool EART1212 21.99 (15.00 US)
Plecash, Guy No Ordinary Man indie pool 623667200752 25.99 (18.00 US)
Plug Pigfarm peermusic PIG 002 19.99 (14.00 US)
Plumb, Jason under and over MapleMusic MRCD6413 16.99 (12.00 US)
Plume Band, Mike fools for the radio Steel Belted SBR 001-006-2 18.99 (13.00 US)
Plume Band, Mike Song & Dance, Man square dog SD40002 22.99 (16.00 US)
plumtree Flutterboard Cinnamon Toast Cassette Only 22.99 (16.00 US)
plumtree Mass Teen Fainting Cinnamon Toast CT010 22.99 (16.00 US)
plumtree predicts the future Cinnamon Toast CT020 22.99 (16.00 US)
plumtree •This Day Won't Last At All• Cinnamon Toast ndr018 16.99 (14.00 US)
Plummer, Brian No Questions Jacky Boy Not Available
Plummer, Brian I'm as Guilty as You Sefel Not Available
Plummer, Brian Without A Mark Duke Street Not Available
Plummer, Brian Brian Plummer and the Suspects Duke Street Not Available
Plunket Show, The Henry Episode One: The Signing Bandit indie pool GRUFFCD1001 23.99 (16.00 US)
Pluto Cool Way To Feel Mint MRD-006 24.99 (17.00 US)
Pluto Pluto Virgin V21S 36883 24.99 (17.00 US)
Pluto Shake Hands With The Future Virgin V21S 23701 24.99 (17.00 US)
Po Girl (ex- Be Good Tanyas) Po Girl Diesel MOTORCD1014 23.99 (16.00 US)
Po Girl (ex- Be Good Tanyas) Po Girl Jericho Beach JBM 0301 18.99 (13.00 US)
PocketDwellers PocketDwellers PocketDwellers Page PDS001 24.99 (17.00 US)
PocketDwellers Digitally Organic Song Song 2003-2 24.99 (17.00 US)
Pocket Dwellers lifecheck Urbnet 24060-9537-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Point Blank Point Blank Point Blank PBLCD97 20.99 (14.00 US)
Point Of Power Point Of Power Not Available
Point Of Power It's About Time BEI BEID-22 10.99 ( 7.00 US)
Pointed Sticks Pointed Sticks Quintessence Not Available
Pointed Sticks Perfect Youth Quintessence SDR-0060 17.99 (12.00 US)
Pointed Sticks Part Of The Noise Quintessence ZULU 15-2 Deleted
Poirier, Eddie Kentucky Bluegrass Elm Cassette Only 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Poirier, Eddie Banjo Elm Cassette Only 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Poirier, Eddie Banjo Banjo Banjo Oak Cassette Only 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Poirier, Eddie & Roy MacCaull Country Mandolin Oak Cassette Only 7.99 ( 5.00 US)
Poirier, Eddie | Smiley Bates The Best Of Bluegrass Condor HCD 4425 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Poirier, Eddie Fiddler Extraordinaire Condor HCD 4434 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Poirier, Eddie | Smiley Bates Finger Lickin' Good Pickin' Condor HCD 4440 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Poirier, Eddie Red Hot Fiddle Holborne Cassette Only 9.99 ( 7.00 US)
Poirier, Eddie Back To Old Kentucky Melborne MCD 15511 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Poirier, Eddie Fiddling In The Irish, Scottish, Cape Breton Way Cassette Only Deleted
Poirier, Ghislain Sous Le Manguier intr_version INTR006 19.99 (14.00 US)
Poirier, Ghislain Conflits intr_version INTR009 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pokerface Life's A Gamble Pokerface PF221-2 Deleted
Pokrovsky, Michael Ecstasy Michael Pokrovsky 1999 22.99 (16.00 US)
Polar Bear Hark indie pool PLATT007 21.99 (15.00 US)
Polaris! Polaris! iglu IR 002 19.99 (14.00 US)
Poledo the poledo demos Poledo Cassette Only 20.99 (14.00 US)
Poledo Let Up Poledo Cassette Only 10.99 ( 8.00 US)
Poledo There, You Sonic Unyon suncd 026 17.99 (12.00 US)
Polka Dogs, The Songs from Ratbag and Other Gutter Favourites Aural ATRCD 305 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pollard, Elaine Listen... praise Not Available
Pollen Pollen Kebec Not Available
Pollyannas Deluxe Reverb Pollyannas POLY 001 Deleted
Pollywog Live Select/M.P.V. MPVCD-1367 19.99 (14.00 US)
Polmo Polpo Kiss Me Again (CDEP) intr_version INEP002 13.99 (10.00 US)
Poltz, Steve One >Left Shoe Mercury 314 536 941-2 17.99 (12.00 US)
Poltz, Steve Answering Machine Scam-O-Rama BRA005 29.99 (20.00 US)
Polyester Explosion, The The Polyester Explosion Not Available
Polyjesters, The Ka-Chunk! MapleNationwide MRCD 6577 16.99 (12.00 US)
Ponto Ponto Orbit ORB-CD801 25.99 (18.00 US)
Popadiuk, Vasyl Vasyl Popadiuk Sleeping Giant SGM-05 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pope, Carole Radiate Le Petite Morte PRO-CD-5012-2 24.99 (17.00 US)
Pope, Carole transcend Le Petite Morte LPM 2 18.99 (12.00 US)
Popular Front PopuLaRis fRONtS Independent PFCD0001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Poppy Family, The That's Where I Went Wrong London Not Available
Poppy Family, The Which Way You Goin' Billy? London Not Available
Poppy Family, The Poppy Seeds London Not Available
Poppy Family, The The World of Susan Jacks and the Poppy Family Goldfish Not Available
Poppy Family, The The World of Terry Jacks and the Poppy Family Goldfish Not Available
Poppy Family, The The Poppy Family's Greatest Hits Feat. Susan Jacks A&M CD 69998 Deleted
Poppy Family, The A Good Thing Lost 1968-1973 What Are? 30.99 (21.00 US)
Pork Belly Futures way past midnight Opening Day ONR9802 25.99 (18.00 US)
Porksword Agonomicon Combine CDC-1 Deleted
Porteous, Wyckham Wyckham Porteous Penta Disc PCD 10005 Deleted
Porteous, Wyckham Looking for Ground BohemiaBeat 0006 24.99 (17.00 US)
Porteous, Wyckham could it be my road? Arpeggio ARP 7232 19.99 (14.00 US)
Porteous, Wyckham in this world ragged pup rpr 00052 16.99 (12.00 US)
Porteous, Wyckham sexanddrinking Cordova Bay CBR-CD-0077 20.99 (14.00 US)
Porter, Murray 1492 Who Found Who First Nations Y2-10015 Deleted
Porter Hall Ten Month Soundtrack endearing NDR020 16.99 (12.00 US)
Portuondo, Omara Omara Portuondo MaGaDa MAGEGCD163 18.99 (13.00 US)
Posen, Martin Triple Heater DROG Drog 0077 24.99 (17.00 US)
Posgate, Tim Milt Guildwood GW 001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Postage Stamps, The when day becomes night the postage stamps 2925610372 22.99 (16.00 US)
Positively Stompin Junk Drawer Swamp Song SS 2001 22.99 (16.00 US)
post'76 post'76 post'76 POST76CA 22.99 (16.00 US)
post'76 post'76 Humdrum HDCD-001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Post Family, The Singing The Family Bible Marathon HCD 4477 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Postmodernist Bent Postmodernist Bent Postmodernist Bent Cassette 3.99 ( 2.50 US)
Potato Bug Potato Bug Kansas Khan PB0001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Potvin, Brian heartbreakthrough Klementine 76974 2199-2 Deleted
Potvin, David Anything's Possible David Potvin DP9901 22.99 (16.00 US)
Poulette Poulette One More Time OM-0042 22.99 (16.00 US)
poumons, the By Surprise the poumons 0VV02<0067>DD12 22.99 (16.00 US)
Poundhammer Massive Grooves... Attic 3984-14179-2 24.99 (17.00 US)
Poverty Plainsmen There's No Lookin' Back Not Available
Powder MCMICV Vital PARK008MCD 19.99 (14.00 US)
Powder Blues Band Uncut Powder Blues Not Available
Powder Blues Powder Blues Capitol Not Available
Powder Blues Thirsty Ears Liberty Not Available
Powder Blues Band, The Party Line Liberty Not Available
Powder Blues Band, The Red Hot/True Blue Liberty Not Available
Powder Blues Band, The First Decade - Greatest Hits WEA CD 71359 15.99 (11.00 US)
Powder Blues Band, The Let's Get Loose WEA CD 92488 Deleted
Powder Blues | Byrnes, Jim Burning / I Turned My Nights Into Days Stony Plain SPCD 1248 19.99 (14.00 US)
Powder Blues Band, Lowell Fulson And The Blue Shadows Stony Plain SPCD 1233 19.99 (14.00 US)
powDerfingGer THICK LipBomb BJ1001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Power, Colleen Lucky You Are Landwash PC001 19.99 (14.00 US)
Prairie Ceilidh Dry Island indie pool BAMC1001 25.99 (18.00 US)
Prairie Oyster Different Kind Of Fire Arista 2049 2-R 15.99 (11.00 US)
Prairie Oyster Everybody Knows Arista 07863 61013 2 15.99 (11.00 US)
Prairie Oyster Oyster Tracks Arista 74321 10233 2 15.99 (11.00 US)
Prairie Oyster Only One Moon Arista 74321 19427 2 15.99 (11.00 US)
Prairie Oyster Blue Plate Special Arista 74321-40042-2 15.99 (11.00 US)
Prairie Oyster What is this Country? ViK. 74321-62408-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Prairie Oyster string of pearls GREATEST HITS ViK. 74321-75639-2 20.99 (14.00 US)
Precious Fathers Precious Fathers white whale WW005 7.99 ( 6.00 US)
Prefuse 73 (Scott Herren) One Word Extinghisher Warp 01061-9077-2 22.99 (16.00 US)
Prefuse 73 (Scott Herren) Extinguished Warp 01061-9164-2 15.99 (11.00 US)
Pregnant (Malcolm Burn) after dinner mints Handsome Boy HBCD 0013 24.99 (17.00 US)
Premiums, The Recognizer EMI Canada New Release 16.99 (12.00 US)
Prescott, Tracey And Lonesome Daddy Tracey Prescott And Lonesome Daddy Columbia CK 80171 Deleted
Prescott • Brown Already Restless Columbia CK 66118 Deleted
Press, The (Bentwood Rocker) Second Wind Quality Not Available
Pretty Rough Pretty Rough Not Available
Prevedoros, Brad Turn Of The Hand Ancient Echoes AE 103 CD Deleted
Prevedoros, Brad Look to the Sky Manzanita MP 102 CD 22.99 (16.00 US)
Prevedoros, Brad (with Greg Joy) Fire dance Ancient Echoes AE 106 CD 18.99 (13.00 US)
Prevedoros, Brad Carnaval Manzanita MP 109 CD 15.99 (11.00 US)
Prevedoros, Brad Celtic Moods Manzanita MP 110 CD 15.99 (11.00 US)
Prevedoros, Brad & firedance in motion Manzanita MP 112 CD 15.99 (11.00 US)
Price, Lisa Lisa Price EP Not Available
Price, Lisa Priceless Not Available
Priest, Robert Robert Priest EP Not Available
Priest, Robert Tongue N' Groove artisan E21S 57176 15.99 (11.00 US)
Primeau, Bernard, Montréal Jazz Ensemble Évolution Select SITCD 2003 19.99 (14.00 US)
Primrods Kneecappin' Melodiya MOD-001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Primrods., The Shit Side Story. Sloth / catch and release SLCR021 19.99 (14.00 US)
Prince Flair In my own words Big Dreams BDP-CD3001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Prince, Pééter Sea of Dreams indie pool RMCD141 25.99 (18.00 US)
Prince, Pééter Roaring From The Soul of a Lion indie pool RMCD444 25.99 (18.00 US)
princess superstar strictly platinum 5th Beetle BUG 002-2 Deleted
princess superstar CEO Cock Croach CC01CD-2 Deleted
princess superstar Is G-Stone/Fusion III RR004CD 21.99 (15.00 US)
Prine, Jason Desh Pardesh Tar Media 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pringle, Peter Peter Pringle Not Available
Pringle, Peter Magicien Not Available
Pringle, Peter Rain Upon The Sea Not Available
Pringle, Peter Fifth Avenue Blue Not Available
Pringle, Peter Pour Une Femme Not Available
Pringle, Peter Souris-Moi Not Available
Pringle, Peter Fantasies Not Available
Pringle, Peter Chansons D'Amour Not Available
Pringle, Peter Portrait D'Un Adieu Not Available
Pringle, Peter Pauvre Casanova Not Available
Pringle, Peter Noel Coward: A Portrait Not Available
Pringle, Peter Le Jeu D'Amour Not Available
Prism Prism GRT 72435 42600 2 5 16.99 (12.00 US)
Prism See Forever Eyes GRT 72435 32336 2 5 16.99 (12.00 US)
Prism Armageddon Magnum E21Y 26712 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Prism Young and Restless EMI E2 21186 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Prism Greatest Hits Capitol Not Available
Prism Small Change Capitol Not Available
Prism Beat Street Capitol Not Available
Prism Over 60 Minutes With... Capitol C21Y-91173 16.99 (11.00 US)
Prism Jericho Spinner SPJC 612-2 29.99 (20.00 US)
Prism Undercover Spinner 77627207772 Deleted
Prism Best Of Prism Renaissance RMED00113ot Deleted
Prism From The Vaults Renaissance RMED00145 Deleted
Pritchard, Barbara the View from Here CMC CMCCD 9298 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pritchard, David Nocturnal Earthworm Stew Island PACE 044LN 30.99 (21.00 US)
Pritchett, Aaron New Frontier Not Available
Problem Children The Kids Next Door enGuard ENG021 22.99 (16.00 US)
Probst, Joe The Lion And The Lady Columbia AGEK-2154 13.99 (10.00 US)
Profanity Fair Profanity Fair Profanity Fair PFCD-001 24.99 (17.00 US)
Professor Fuddle Professor Fuddle's Fantastic Fairy Tale Machine Periwinkle Not Available
Professor Louie & The Crowmatix Flyin' High Other People's P232 10013B 20.99 (14.00 US)
Progressive Dream Dream Sequence One I.M.D. 7001-2 22.99 (16.00 US)
Project, The It's About Time HD HD-4499 22.99 (16.00 US)
Project HUM Project HUM Project Hum PM-1928 Deleted
Project 9 Whpshh Project 9 P9CD001 19.99 (14.00 US)
Project 9 Unikunstmusika Unikunstmusica UKMCD-001 17.99 (12.00 US)
Project Wyze misfits,strangers,liars,friends. Columbia CK 80667 15.99 (11.00 US)
Projektor Red Wolf Glass Endearing NDR026 16.99 (12.00 US)
Projet Orange Projet Orange ViK. 74321-75827-2 20.99 (14.00 US)
Projet Orange megaphobe ViK. 74321-934872 20.99 (14.00 US)
Propagandhi How To Clean Everything Fat Wreck Chords FAT WRECK 506 18.99 (13.00 US)
Propagandhi Less Talk More Rock Fat Wreck Chords FAT WRECK 666 18.99 (13.00 US)
Propagandhi Where Quantity Is Job One G-7 Welcoming G7007 14.99 (10.00 US)
Propagandhi Todays's Empires, Tomorrows's Ruins G-7 Welcoming G7015 16.99 (12.00 US)
Propagandhi Potemkin City Limits G-7 Welcoming G7043 16.99 (12.00 US)
Propeller Rame Scratch SC7 18.99 (13.00 US)
Prophet, Orval Mile After Mile Columbia Harmony Not Available
Prophet, Ronnie Ronnie Prophet Country RCA Victor Not Available
Prophet, Ronnie Ronnie Prophet Audiograph Alive Not Available
Prophet, Ronnie I'm Gonna Love Her Out of You Audiograph Not Available
Prophet, Ronnie Sure Thing Bookshop Not Available
Prophet, Ronnie Faces & Phases Prophet Not Available
Prophet, Ronnie & Glory-Anne Portrait Of Love Prophet Not Available
Prophet, Ronnie Harold the Horny Toad PRP Not Available
Prophet, Ronnie The Phantom Vera Cruz Not Available
Prophet, Ronnie Hits Of Ronnie Prophet RCA Victor Not Available
Prophet, Ronnie Just For You TeeVee Not Available
Prophet Organs, The Ask • Seek • Knock Zawadi ZW-0010 5.99 ( 4.00 US)
Prophetic B N2YourMix Prophetic B PB01 23.99 (16.00 US)
Protein Been People indie pool 0023 23.99 (16.00 US)
Prototype Prototype Mercury PACE 042 14.99 (21.00 US)
Prowlers, The Les Vogt Neptoon 007 28.99 (20.00 US)
Prozzäk Hot Show By Prozzäk epic EK 80367 15.99 (11.00 US)
Prozzäk Prozzäk Presents Simon And Milo's Hot Show VHS epic EV 80425 19.99 (14.00 US)
Prozzäk Saturday People epic EK 123456 19.99 (14.00 US)
Prophet It's Raining Guitars Again B&E Not Available
propeller rame Scratch # 18 18.99 (13.00 US)
propeller oro Scratch # 28 18.99 (13.00 US)
propeller : argento : Scratch # 41 18.99 (13.00 US)
Psycho Key Wicked Dream indie pool RDRCD4532 20.99 (14.00 US)
Psychoanalysis (What Is It?) ...conducted by Prince Paul wordsound wscd 010 18.99 (13.00 US)
Psychojesus Mindf*ck Not Available
Psychomania The Last Days Of Marc Godfrey And... Dollyrocker DOLL001 18.99 (13.00 US)
Psychomania Rebel Set Tonic TONIC008 17.99 (12.00 US)
Ptarmigan Ptarmigan Columbia Not Available
Pucker & Valve Society Band The Pucker & Valve Society Band Attic Not Available
Puddy Puddy Helium He 001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Puente del Diablo Puente del Diablo Puente del Diablo PDD02CD 23.99 (16.00 US)
Puentes Brothers Morumba Cubana Alma ACD 10142 18.99 (13.00 US)
puirt a baroque Bach Meets Cape Breton puirt a baroque P2 81181 20.99 (14.00 US)
puirt a baroque Kinloch's Fantasy EMI Canada E2 81211 20.99 (14.00 US)
puirt a baroque return of the wanderer EMI Canada E2 81223 20.99 (14.00 US)
Pukka Orchestra Pukka Orchestra Ready 79788-2 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Pukka Orchestra, The The Palace Of Memory Epic Not Available
Pukka Orchestra, The "Dear Harry" A Major Label PUKCD-100 Deleted
Pull My Finger WIF Pull My Finger CDPMF246 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pumps Gotta Move Polydor Not Available
Punchbuggy all nite christian rollerskate Shake SALD 221 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Punchbuggy Grand Opening Going Out Of Business Sale Shake SALD 227 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Punchbuggy My Norwegian Cousin Sour XSMK 1292 19.99 (14.00 US)
Punchbuggy The Great Divide Does Everyone Stare DES 122276 20.99 (14.00 US)
Puncture (127) Process Of Elimination Puncture (127) PCD(127)001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Punishing, The Burning Ablaze The Punishing Cassette Only 3.99 ( 2.50 US)
Punjabi By Nature Jmpn' For Joy PBN Productions PBN 1002 20.99 (14.00 US)
Punjabi By Nature Raise The Roof PBN Productions PBN 1003 20.99 (14.00 US)
Punky Brewster Cooked On Phonics HDR HDR01 22.99 (16.00 US)
Punters, The The Punters The Sound Solution Indie CD 30.99 (20.00 US)
Punters, The said she couldn't dance... Tidemark 02-50700 24.99 (17.00 US)
Punters, The will you wait Loggerhead 76974 2193-2 19.99 (14.00 US)
Punters, The Fisherman's Blues The Punters 2003 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pup Pup Marshmellow MMR CD 011 18.99 (13.00 US)
Pup Mistress Marshmellow MMR CD 020 22.99 (16.00 US)
Pura Vida Pure Life Pura Vida PVCD-00001 22.99 (16.00 US)
pure Greed Reprise CDW 45003 24.99 (17.00 US)
pure Purefunalia Reprise CDW 45038 19.99 (14.00 US)
pure Extra Purestrial shag SHAG 2001-2 13.99 (10.00 US)
pure generation-6-pack Mammoth/Attic MR 1502 24.99 (17.00 US)
pure feverish Mammoth/Attic MR 1812 24.99 (17.00 US)
pure Low (Limited Edition) Staalplaat ST149 Deleted
Puritans, The Let Me Stand... Puritans PUR-001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Purnell, Aidan Ten cent lemonade Purnell BGROUP001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Purple, Ivan Kolo Spinner SFZ-071 24.99 (17.00 US)
Purple Penguin De-tuned Cup Of Tea / Iron 19.99 (14.00 US)
Purple Toads, The The Purple Toads Star SR-005 Cassette 5.99 ( 4.00 US)
Purple Toads, The Love Songs for the Hard of Hearing Star Not Available
Purse Furnace Dancing indie pool TMR97CD1 23.99 (16.00 US)
Pursuit Of Happiness, The I'm An Adult Now EP Chrysalis Not Available
Pursuit Of Happiness, The Love Junk Chrysalis VK-41675 11.99 ( 8.00 US)
Pursuit Of Happiness, The One•Sided Story Chrysalis VK-41757 24.99 (17.00 US)
Pursuit Of Happiness, The The Downward Road Polygram 314 512 9722 24.99 (17.00 US)
Pursuit Of Happiness, The Where's The Bone? IronMusic 7876-47777 24.99 (17.00 US)
Pursuit Of Happiness, The the wonderful world of... IronMusic 77876-51010-2 24.99 (17.00 US)
Push Kings Push Kings Not Available
Pussy On The Nod Verge VERGE /CD-001 22.99 (16.00 US)
Putrid Suck my ejection of life Subdivision subv005 17.99 (12.00 US)
Pyle, Don & Andrew Zealley The Law Of Enclosures Art Metropole 23339 80377 19.99 (14.00 US)
Pyle, Don & Andrew Zealley Proteus Art Metropole 23339 80477 19.99 (14.00 US)
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